Earthquake Survival Tips for Kids

Earthquake Survival Tips for Kids

Hey there, SuperMoms and DynamicKids!


Have you ever felt the ground shake and thought, "Ay, naku! What now?" Earthquakes can be as nerve-wracking as trying to cook adobo without soy sauce. But don't fret, today we're going to spill the beans on earthquake survival, kid-style!


First things first, teach your mini-me the "Duck, Cover, and Hold" move. Let's make it fun, shall we? Turn it into a dance routine like those TikTok moves they love! Drop low to the ground, take cover under something sturdy like Lola's antique dining table, and hold on tight! Boom! You just did the "Earthquake Hustle!"

The Emergency Bag AKA "The Magical Bag of Survival"

Every Pinoy household has a 'kitchen tambayan'—that spot where everyone hangs out. Why not place your emergency bag there? Stock it with essentials: canned goods (yes, even Spam), bottled water, first-aid kits, and maybe a pack of cards because boredom is real, folks.

Family Drills: Rehearsing the "Big One"

In the Philippines, we practice everything—from Christmas carols in September to those elaborate Santacruzan processions. Why not practice for earthquakes? Choose a monthly "earthquake day," and get everyone in the family to participate. The one who does the best "Duck, Cover, and Hold" gets extra leche flan!

Staying in Touch: The Cellphone Lifeline

Teach your kids how to use their mobile phones wisely during emergencies. Store important numbers like "Mom's Work," "Dad's Cell," and "Neighbor who's always home." Remind them that in times of crisis, a phone is for more than just selfies and Mobile Legends.

After The Shaking: Check, Snap, and Share

Once it's safe, inspect your home for any damages. Get your kiddos involved. Make them junior inspectors armed with toy binoculars. Snap pictures of cracks or damages. Then share these with your barangay officials. Civic duty can start young!

So, there you have it, mga kaibigan! Earthquake survival tips that are as essential as your Lola's sinigang recipe. Stay safe, and remember, the family that "Duck, Cover, and Holds" together, stays together!

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