Understand Tantrums and Calm Your Kid in 1 Minute using our "Pinoy Peacekeeping" technique - Effective Communication Tips with Your Toddler

Understand Tantrums and Calm Your Kid in 1 Minute using our "Pinoy Peacekeeping" technique - Effective Communication Tips with Your Toddler

Understand Tantrums and Calm Your Kid in 1 Minute using our "Pinoy Peacekeeping" technique - Effective Communication Tips with Your Toddler


 Hello mga Super Moms and Super Dads! 👋 Welcome to the chaos that is toddlerhood. We’ve all been there: SM Megamall, your toddler screaming louder than the latest K-Pop hit, and you’re standing there feeling like you’re about to endure an "Eat Bulaga" public humiliation segment.

Fear not, here are some Pinoys-approved tips to communicate effectively with your toddler and manage those tearful meltdowns.

1. Speak Their Language, Literally

We're not asking you to suddenly become fluent in 'toddlerese', but using simple, concrete words can be a game-changer.

Practical Example:
Your toddler is creating a scene because he wants ice cream. Instead of saying, "We can have dessert after dinner," try, "Ice cream, later. Let's eat rice first." This way, you're speaking his lingo and saving your sanity.

2. Use Empathy. Label Emotions!

A validated child is a calmer child. Use empathy to label their emotions and let them know you understand.

Practical Example:
Juanito is bawling his eyes out because his toy car broke. Say, "I see you’re sad because your toy broke. That's frustrating!" This can be an emotional game-changer as potent as the first time you tasted Jollibee’s Chickenjoy.

3. Choices Empower Them

A lack of control often frustrates toddlers. Offer them choices to give them a sense of control.

Practical Example:
You're shopping at Divisoria, and Maria starts fussing. Instead of forcing a hat on her, ask, "Do you want the red hat or the blue one?" She'll be too busy deciding to continue her tantrum.

4. Active Listening Works Wonders

Sometimes your kid just wants to be heard, like Lola recounting her telenovela plots.

Practical Example:
Timmy’s mumbling about how he doesn't want to sleep. Instead of a quick ‘no’, try, "You don't want to sleep because you want to play more?" This makes him feel heard, and he’s more likely to cooperate.

5. Turn Commands into Questions?

Turn your command into a question. Pinoys love to 'make pakialam' (meddle), even toddlers!

Practical Example:
Instead of saying, "Clean up your toys now!" you could ask, "Want to help Mommy put the toys away?" The child feels involved and is more likely to help out willingly.

6. Quality Communication Fosters Lifelong Bonds

Ultimately, good communication sets the foundation for a lasting relationship.

Practical Example:
When your little one successfully follows a direction or answers your question, reward them with a tight hug or a high-five. This touchy-feely Pinoy gesture ensures that they will grow to become emotionally balanced individuals.

So, there you go, mga kababayan! With these tips, not only will you survive the terrible twos but also win the "Best in Communication" award in the parenting pageant of life. Share your success stories; we’d love to hear from you. And don't forget, hitting that subscribe button is easier than catching a jeepney on a rush hour at EDSA!

Slay that parenting game, everyone

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